Our instructors
Sensei Sidhu
Sensei Sidhu
2016 JKA-BC Masters Kata Gold Medalist
2016 Canada Open Masters Kata Silver Medalist
Sensei Sidhu is fortunate to have trained under some of the great Masters of karate and various martial arts.
He started his study of karate in 1977 in Abbotsford with Shihan Robert Sidoli, was graded to Shodan (Black Belt) by legendary karate Master Shihan Hidetaka Nishiyama in 1981, and acquired valuable skills from many others.
Sensei Sidhu:
Is widely known for his skills as an instructor as he draws from his vast experience in martial arts.
Has numerous Provincial and National level tournament victories and continues to compete in Masters divisions.
Is the Chief Instructor for the Abbotsford Shotokan Karate Dojo and ESCAPE programs
Is a Technical Director for JKA-BC.
Recently retired from a long career in federal law enforcement.
Achieved his current rank from Shihan Takeshi Oishi.
Sempai Satomi Knudsen
Sempai Satomi Knudsen started karate in 1988 and is a former member of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Women’s Kumite Team.
She competed extensively in Japanese women’s kumite at the University level having made it to the All Japan Student Championship several times.
Satomi also:
Cares for her family including 4 children
Teaches Japanese at the University of the Fraser Valley and her own school
Co-founded Sakaso where she coaches people create the life they want
Sempai Esther Quinlan
Esther Quinlan started training at the age of 11 with Sensei Don Sharp at Valley Shidokan and received her black belt when she was 17.
Esther has competed in many tournaments as a junior including Provincials, BC Winter Games and the 2000 Shoto World Cup in Japan.
She has won many medals and awards for her karate including the 2017 kata silver and 2018 kata gold at the Canada Open.
She has been training at Abbotsford Shotokan Karate Dojo since 2012 alongside her 2 daughters.
High-ranking JKA guest instructors
Since we are members of JKABC (Japan Karate Association of BC) and are affiliated directly with the JKA Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, we routinely host some of the highest ranking Sanseis from JKA Headquarters as guest instructors.